Tasca de Elvira blogs from Portugal in French. She has a recipe on her blog Tomatada aux Oeufs that is very much like some versions of shakhshukha, no lard fume though in any Algerian dish. I wrote a little bit about about how the Portuguese exported couscous to Brazil in The March of Couscous. Although, as far as I know, the dish was forgotten in Portugal, if contemporary versions exists it would possibly be through new waves of immigrations.
Since I still have not presented the Algerian pasta and flatbread recipes I promised last week, I hesitate to say what I will do with the Portuguese connection. Maybe cornbread.
She's posted two more recipes that are very remniscent of Algerian dishes. Poulet au Safran is a classic Spanish dish of chicken with safran, thickened with nuts and Aletria au raisin sec a very old Portuguese preparations, is a sweet pudding made from vermicelli and raisins. Actually if the liquor is omitted from the recipes they are identical to dishes that would be found in Algeria.
September 30 note: She has posted even more recipes that are very similar or identical to Algerian dishes. Very interesting to me, I do not know much about Portuguese cooking.
Mille mercis! Je suis très flattée d'être ainsi mise à l'honneur sur votre superbe blog que je visite tous les jours. Continuez de nous enchanter et de nous régaler!
Posted by: Elvira | September 26, 2005 at 07:45 AM
Thank you for coming by my blog. I love making shakhshukha, and I am so glad to find a food blog just before Ramadan. Nothing like ideas....
Don't mind me, I am going to cruise your site now.
Thanks again,
Posted by: cncz | September 25, 2005 at 02:09 AM