Another recipe from last week's iftar made from this mise en place. I have alot of catching up to do this weekend.
This is a method for steaming chicken in a crock pot for 6 hours.
3 whole chicken legs
3 cuisses de poulet
1 parsnip peeled and chopped
1 panais pele et hache
1/2 medium onion chopped
1/2 oignon hache
1 bulb of kohlrabi cut into 6 pieces.
1 chou rave coupez en 6 morceaux
1/2 a bulb of fennel chopped
1/2 un bulb de fenouil hache
1/2 cup chick peas soaked overnight
Pois chiches
2 pinches of saffron or turmeric
2 pinces de safran ou curcuma
If you don't have a crockpot use the stove top method I describe here. Plating is the same.
1) Layer the vegetables in the pot, add the chickpeas, lightly season with salt, stir, add the chick peas and 1 1/2 cups of water.
2) Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of salt evenly on the chicken and rub in the spices. If you don't want turmeric stained fingers wear gloves.
3) Place the chicken pieces on top as shown. Cover and cook push the cook for "6 hours on high" button. This is my first crock pot and I as sit here typing this I wonder what the settings are on other crock pots. I will find out and add to this post. In the meantime if you have a question just ask me.
After 6 hours of slow cooking in a crock pot the chicken legs will be very tender, but they will retain their shape. Remove the chicken pieces and skim off the fat. Taste the broth for seasoning as ALWAYS, adjust if neccessary. You can gently brown the chicken in butter for flavor and appearance. But the saffron or turmeric already give them a nice hue. Serve the dish with a side of salt. If you like you can add some cumin to the salt. I don't. Garnish the dish with fresh herbs if you like.
Serve with couscous
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chef zadiFarid Zadi
Thanks for the chicken crock pot recipes.
It sounds great, will give it a try.
Posted by: orbit | May 26, 2006 at 10:34 AM