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December 03, 2005


Allan Hozak

My Mother was Algerian and I spent many a time in Algiers. Couscous was a pleasure ( remember my grandmother rolling the grain in the back terrace before special ocasions) Yes three times boiled and rolled in butter. Must say the new boil once in water today s not that bad. What I can not find since mom passed away is a good sauce recipe , one with lamb, chicken , chickpeas etc.. no potatoes.
if someone has one please e-mail to me at [email protected]. Merci Beacoup..


Dorine, there are recipes for couscous posted on this site, including handrolling them from scratch.


I've been blessed to enjoy the real thing with a Moroccan family. I want to find real recipe from a Magrebi who knows how to do it right, and have found your page...but no recipe! I enjoyed it with lamb, chickpeas, vegetables...can you please give me a recipe including the herbs and spices that give it its special flavor? Thanks!


hello. I love couscous and i am irish. I demand that you write more in this blog at least every other day. Thank you.


As a fellow Maghrebia (Tun.), I must say, Here here!
I'm enjoying reading your blog very much... Thank you.


Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!! Forgive me laughing so loudly. It's because your thoughts on couscous recipes on the net are my thoughts too. You're so right and couscous recipes on the WWW are more often than not such a shame!

I try to spread the word as often as possible that couscous *MUST* be steamed. Making it otherwise would be like preparing pasta off the stove, swiming in hot water. Who would want to eat pasta which have been soaking in twice its volume of hot water?


About three months ago I tried steaming couscous for the first time. I was blown away. It's an entirely different food than the boiled stuff. All my dinner guests were amazed as well. My only problem was that I didn't have a couscous steamer and it was a bit of a pain to make. Any suggestions on steamers?



Thanks for that, I have to admit, though I've heard of steaming couscous, I don't know that anyone ever put it so bluntly! I've only cooked it the boiling way at home, so I'll have to give steaming a try! Do you have any recommendations for how long to steam it each of the 2-3 times? And do you steam it over plain water, or over something like broth to flavor it?




I figured you meant NOT.

You know though you see couscous boxes most of the National chains, all of them in Los Angeles. If people like the poorly prepared couscous they LOVE the real thing.


It should read: IT DOES NOT taste/look/smell like the real thing


Saha Farid,

I tend to share your concern. Couscous is more than food; it is CULTURE.

I have seen the so-called couscous in festivals/ some restaurants. Except for the name, it has nothing to do with couscous. It does taste/look/smell like the real thing.

Keep up the good work!


I'm expecting your recipe !
It's desperately true that couscous is often offended, but it's also true for many many many famous meals as paella for example. The "real recipe" is hard to find ;o)

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