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September 25, 2007


canister set

Couscous would be perfect for this dish. I use preserved lemons instead of vinegar, I make the preserved lemons myself.

the garlic guy

Interesting recepie. I didnt know something like this one.

Madrid Museums

That chicken looks beautiful, mouthwatering even. Some of the ingredients will be hard to source but I will try to make it. Yummy.


I agree with you , there is spanish influence in west algeria, especially like oran that goes back hunderds of year ago, I love medeterranian food especially olive chicken tajine with cinamon flavor, lamb tajine and liver, they are just amazing.
presto pressure cooker



We bumped into your blog and we really liked it - great recipes
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We bumped into your blog and we really liked it - great recipes
We would like to add it to the Petitchef.com.

We would be delighted if you could add your blog to Petitchef so that our users can, as us,
enjoy your recipes.

Petitchef is a french based Cooking recipes Portal. Several hundred Blogs are already members
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Tom Kresler

I recently visited a French restaurant in Denver which used a spice called magreb or mahgreb for a lamb dish. I assume this is a spice blend. Does anyone know what it contains? Please E-Mail me at [email protected]


It is impossible to seperate algerian cuisine from spanish cuisine. They are not only similar in term of dishes but also the term that they use are quite the same. Thanks for this recipe and for sharing with us some spices that I 've never heard of. And thanks for the article on the mexican cuisine...who knew? Saha ramdanek.

JennDZ_The Leftover Queen

These are some really wonderful posts. I love learning about the history behind foods. Very wonderful indeed. I am going to be learning a lot from blog I can see.


When do you add the olives?


Thanks for your blog of the week!!!
Curso de Cocina Maghrebi was fantastic, I love this food and I learn a lot.
Thanks again Brigitte!!


Les espagnoles ou les italiens ou les grecs..leurs cuisines est d'apres tout medeteranienne..
En algerie les gens fonts la DOLMA
si tu va en espagne .;la dolam tu l'a trouve en grece pareille en italie méme chose..
j'ai etait impressionné l'autre fois a barcelone,fonts el karentikA.


J'étais verte de jalousie quand Cocinalia était en train de faire ce stage.
ses articles sur la mer cet été étaient captivants.

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