I was looking for information about desertification and found a fascinating blog by Willem, Romanus, Jozef VAN COTTHEM- Honorary Professor University of Ghent (Belgium)/ Professeur Honoraire de l’Université de Gand (Belgique) and Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development/ Consultant scientifique pour la Désertification et le Développement Durable. Desertification Blog
Prof. Dr. Willem Van Cotthem needs melon, watermelon and pigeon peas. They can be mailed to Belgium.
All the seeds will be used for fruit production in arid or semi-arid regions, where we treat the soil with a water stocking soil conditioner, so that the rural people can grow these plants with a minimum of water. I promise to publish pictures on the results obtained with your seeds.
Isn’t this a very nice way to contribute to the success of a humanitarian project? The more melons and water melons you eat, the more poor rural people will get chances to grow them in their family garden and the kids will grow them in their school garden.
June 13, 2007
This message is to make an appeal upon your goodwill. Please be aware
that you can contribute to our humanitarian projects in the drylands,
simply with a tiny little effort.
Supposing that many of you eat melon and water melon, I would like to ask you not to throw the seeds away, but send them to me.
It is quite easy to wash them in a bit of water and let them dry, e.g.
on a plate. Should you do this a couple of times, you will easily
collect an interesting quantity of seeds (we don’t have any limit !).
Please, put the dry seeds in a plastic bag and send them to my address
Prof. Dr. Willem Van Cotthem
Beeweg 36 - B9080 ZAFFELARE (Belgium)
If possible mention the name of the variety of melon or water melon.
Thanks for considering to send me some seeds.
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